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Showing posts from March, 2020

Handling Solvents Made Easy: Air Operated Double Diaphragm Pump

In recent years, India has witnessed integer growth in the specialty chemicals market, especially paint and ink. The paint industry in India was valued at $ 7.8 Bn in 2017 and expected to grow with a CAGR of 12.8% over the next five years. Ink manufacturing is additionally growing at a fast pace thanks to the increase in the use of packaging materials. Flammable solvents and viscous fluids are the main key raw materials utilized in the manufacturing of paint & coating, and inks. Paint and Ink manufacturer requires sturdy pump design helping them to handle these flammable & viscous liquids. Screw pump is often wont to handle these fluids, however, it's high maintenance cost related to it and take around longer to repair. Stator fails once in 2-3 months and costs around INR 25,000 per month for maintenance (Eg. 3” Pump). Air Operated Double Diaphragm  (AODD) pump is a perfect option to handle flammable & viscous fluids because it doesn't have electrical movi...

Study Proves Potential Energy Savings of AODD Pump Controls

Study Proves   P.E.   Savings of AODD Pump Controls Air  O perated D ouble D iaphragm P ump  is common   to several   manufacturing facilities. As estimated by veteran   compressed gas   auditor Hank van Ormer of   aviation   USA, approximately 85 to 90 percent of plants   within   us   have an AODD pump.   they're   used for   all types   of liquid transfer applications, like those found in chemical manufacturing, wastewater removal, and pumping viscous food products. As ubiquitous as   they're , AODD pumps   also are   commonly misused. Per van Ormer, “ No air-operated equipment should run uncontrolled. ” However,   an honest   number   of producing   facilities still run AODD pumps without controllers. “ The typical situation we see [with AODD pumps] is   there's   no controller attached, ” explained Dr. David Goodman, Ph.D., C.E.A., Assistant Director o...


A frequent question asked by users of A ir O perated D ouble D iaphragm P ump  would be, "what exactly could be the most viscosity of a process fluid which could be moved by means of an AODD pump" In fact, the answer has to do with the pump and to do with the piping system on where the pump is directly attached. Users usually forget that this, as most AODD applications are move software having a relatively very low viscosity fluid. While a comprehensive discussion of accurate procedures for evaluating pump processes is beyond the scope of the guide, pump users may employ these methods to gauge the aspects which impact circulation in AODD systems using higher viscosity fluids. Consider these simple fluid transport system where the user would like to move 20 gallons per minute (GPM) with a 1-inch AODD. To ascertain if an application is potential, three questions should be answered: An approximate response to the question is seen by comparing the pump dry-lift evalua...