An Air-Operated Double-Diaphragm pump (AODD) is a sort of positive displacement (PD) pump. It comprises of two pumping chambers that are on the other hand filled and released by the development of adaptable diaphragms. Packed air is on the other hand bolstered to, and vented from, air chambers on the contrary sides of the diaphragms to make the pumping activity. AODD pump is commonly utilized for exchange applications and can deal with a wide assortment of feeds including mucks, slurries, grating and shear touchy liquids. In spite of the fact that they are vigorous, dependable and simple to keep up they can be uproarious, inclined to icing, and are constrained to low-pressure applications. How does an AODD pump work? An AODD pump moves liquid by the substitute and rehashed forward and backward development (strokes) of two adaptable films or diaphragms mounted on a typical shaft (Figure 1). Despite the fact that diaphragm pumps can be driven straightforwardly, with the po...
Antlia Engineering Works are manufacturer and supplier of Air Operated Double Diaphragm Pump (AODD Pump), Diaphragm Pump, Rubber and Industrial Products.