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Important Factors to Help You Select Your AODD Pumps

 Determination of the right stomach for an air-worked twofold stomach (AODD Pumps) siphon is a basic thought for security, productivity and inconvenience free tasks. Various variables should be considered while picking the legitimate stomach that will be reasonable for a particular application. 

AODD Pump Manufacturers says, “Past experience is consistently an exceptionally supportive aid; however, new applications will regularly require research and outside exhortation to decide the proper method that will meet explicit application necessities and boundaries”. 

The Important Factors 


Material similarity with the liquid being siphoned. The range of liquids siphoned can go from water to forceful acids and caustics. Every stomach material has been tried to gauge its similarity against numerous synthetic compounds. The administrator ought to think about the siphoned liquid in contrast to distributed compound similarity guides.If you are Looking for AODD Pump Suppliers Visit Antlia engineering.

AODD Pumps

Temperature Ranges 

Ability to stay adaptable in low temperatures and not disintegrate in high temperatures. Temperature is an exceptionally basic factor, and the functioning reach accessible in stomach materials shifts incredibly. The kind of liquid can likewise influence the functioning temperature range of the material. 

Scraped spot Scraped Spot Resistance 

Capacity to withstand wear and grinding from contact with solids and particles in the liquid being siphoned. Stomachs are able to deal with liquids going from clear to weighty slurries to dry mass siphoning. 

Clean Standards 

Prerequisites are that the stomach consents to clean or sterile norms. Applications in the food and refreshment and drug industries should use stomachs that conform to industry guidelines and consistency. 

Bay Condition (Flooded Suction and Suction Lift) 

Ability to siphon liquid starting with one area then onto the next. For various siphoning setups and conditions, certain stomach materials are more effective and longer enduring than others. Contact All Pumps for master guidance in deciding the ideal material for explicit applications. 

AODD Pump Manufacturers

Flex Life 

Anticipated life span of the stomach prior to requiring substitution. Accomplishing the greatest interim between fixes (MTBR) is a critical objective in choosing a stomach. Nonetheless, a few materials have innately more limited flex lives than others significantly under ideal conditions. 


Complete expense of proprietorship is dictated by different factors like starting cost, appraised flex life for the application and expenses of personal time and stomach substitution work. In view of the numerous factors included, exhortation from an external master, for example, All Pumps can enormously help with choosing the best performing, most savvy choice for individual applications. 


Throughout the long term, various materials have been tried widely for use in stomachs in AODD siphons. These materials can be assembled into three essential families: elastic, TPE (thermoplastic elastomer) and PTFE (Polytetrafluoroethylene or Teflon®). Every family and the materials inside every family offer properties and characteristics that make them reasonable for various applications. Antlia Engineering works as the  best AODD Pump Manufacturers In India.

Elastic Diaphragms 

Elastic stomachs are pressure shaped or manufactured elastic with a nylon texture network situated inside the elastic to further develop the stomach's flexing qualities. Coming up next are the elastic stomach materials accessible:


Neoprene is an uncommon universally useful, minimal expense stomach. Ideal for non-aggressive substance applications, for example, water-based slurries, well water or seawater, it gives great flex life and scraped area obstruction. 

Buna-N gives incredible execution in applications including petrol/oil-based liquids like leaded gas, fuel oils, lamp oil, turpentine and engine oils. In wide use all through the fuel handling industry, Buna-N is additionally alluded to as nitrile and gives moderate flex life and moderate scraped area obstruction. 

EPDM is a phenomenal material for incredibly cool temperatures and is a practical elective when siphoning weakened acids or caustics. EPDM stomachs are used in the assembly, food, drug and paint/covering ventures. The material shows great flex life and moderate scraped area obstruction. EPDM is likewise a decent solution where statically dissipative materials are required. 

Viton® is superb for incredibly hot temperatures and gives outstanding execution of forceful liquids, for example, sweet-smelling/chlorinated hydrocarbons and solid, forceful acids. Viton is regularly the main stomach material for applications where cruel synthetics are utilized as a result of its high temperature cutoff and compound flexibility. It gives moderate flex life and moderate scraped spot opposition. 


TPE stomachs are fabricated by infusion shaping. Because of their dimensional soundness and elasticity, TPE stomachs needn't bother with texture support. Following are the accessible sorts of TPE stomachs: 

Polyurethane is an exceptionally useful stomach for nonaggressive synthetic applications like water, wastewater and seawater. It gives phenomenal flex life, scraped spot opposition and strength at a practical cost. 

Wil-Flex™ gives a minimal expense option in contrast to PTFE with an expense tantamount to neoprene. Made of Santoprene™, Wil-Flex is great for use with acidic and burning liquids like sodium hydroxide, sulfuric or hydrochloric acids. Displaying flexible flex life, scraped area obstruction, temperature reach and strength, it is broadly utilized in the compound cycle, food, drug and wastewater enterprises. 

Saniflex™ is a phenomenal material for food handling applications. Made of Hytrel®, it shows great flex life and magnificent scraped spot opposition. Hytrel likewise offers better fixing or seal stimulation due to its low pressure set attributes. 

Antlia shows upgraded oil-obstruction and low oil enlargement making it ideal for petrol industry applications. Identical to nitrile (Buna-N), Antlia gives moderate flex life and great scraped area obstruction over a wide temperature range at a lower cost than texture-supported Buna-N. 


Since it is quite possibly the most artificially latent compound accessible, PTFE can be utilized with an incredibly wide scope of liquids. Otherwise called Teflon®, PTFE is astounding for profoundly forceful liquids like sweet-smelling or chlorinated hydrocarbons, acids, caustics, ketones and acetic acid derivations. Its properties give superb flex life and moderate scraped area obstruction. Since PTFE is non-versatile, a reinforcement stomach of an alternate material should be utilized to give adaptability and memory. Material choices for reinforcement stomachs are Neoprene, Saniflex and high temperature Buna-N. 


Utilizing broad material testing and field information, Antila aggregated a Diaphragm Selection Guide that thinks about and rates the flex life, scraped spot opposition, synthetic obstruction, temperature cutoff points and relative expense of every material kind. 

Note that this outline ought to be utilized uniquely as a rule and related to careful extra examination and master counsel to decide the appropriateness of stomach materials for individual applications since one factor can influence another.

Antlia Engineering is the best Peristaltic Pump Manufacturers and suppliers in India and all over the world.


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